If you’re old enough to remember the iconic ad campaign from 1996 IKEA – “chuck out your chintz” then you will no doubt be of an age where you should be thinking about applying the same idea to old attitudes and thoughts towards your pension!
It is not too late to “liberate your pension” from the men in grey suits
, issuing you your yearly statement and the often-cursory glance you give to it when it drops onto your door mat.
In 1996 I was 26, juggling a young child, massive mortgage rates and where every penny counted. I was lucky I was working for a Blue-Chip employer and was in a “final salary” pension scheme, little did I know that all those contributions I could ill afford would one day turn into a SSAS contribution of circa 300k!
No doubt just like those housewives who were encouraged to be bold and chuck out their chintz, there is now a wider sea change afoot towards attitudes around pensions
. 20 years later this ad is still being talked about,
where are you going to be in 20 years with your pension?
Company Directors have the opportunity to take control and be active in their retirement plans, which is where a “SSAS – small self-administered scheme” comes in.
We have used our SSAS in the following ways: Unconnected third party loan
Loan Back
Commercial purchase – Children’s Care Home
Don’t stay in the dark about your pension.