
We’ve all heard of “shop local” but how does “invest local” really impact our property plans?

I am from the South and invest in the “North East” 💸, and add into the mix the fact I spend large amounts of time visiting my husband who lives in Bahrain! ✈

🏡 When getting started in property this is probably one of your first considerations, but as I have now been “remote investing” for nearly 3 years I have a pretty good handle on some of the things to consider. 💻

Invest local

🤩 Option to self-manage and easy to “pop” into projects

🤝 Attend local networking events and build your peer group 👨🏻‍‍👨🏻👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏻

📍 Get known in your local area and know your area like the back of your hand 

💰 Less travel time and costs 

📈 Consider that the starting threshold to buy a property may be much higher than you can afford 

📉 Return on investment may be lower in relation to spend 

📊 Properties supply may not meet your chosen strategy 

Remote Investing

🛫 Depending on how remote either a flight and / or long car journeys! 

🚗 Factor in “down time” when driving and time spent in the car. 

💸 Cost of travel and hotel stays 

💻 Impact on your home life and job if working 

📌 Greater time researching and getting to know your area 

🗺 Harder to manage problems from a distance 

🚪 Networking opportunities not on your doorstep 

🌍 A big plus – potentially more economical to start your property dream from afar 

👩‍💻 Technology makes this so much easier to undertake DD 

🌐 Greater portfolio diversification 

If you want to discuss more of this, send me a message and let’s chat!

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